Managerial Aspects of Logistics as Determinants of the Development of Enterprise Strategie Potential


  • Rafał Matwiejczuk Uniwersytet Opolski



logistics, concept of logistics, management, strategic potential


Enterprises are constantly looking for ways to develop their competitive advantage. Strategic potential of an enterprise, mainly its resources, talents, and competencies are crucial in building such advantage. Logistics is important for the strategic potential to develop. The paper aims at identifying managerial aspects of logistics and their impact on the development of the strategic potential of an enterprise. The paper is a conceptual work. It starts with a brief presentation of the substance of logistics as a con- cept used to manage the flows of goods and information, as well as major stages of its development. Then, the substance and relevance of enterprise strategic potential are discussed. The final part of the paper focuses on highlighting managerial aspects of logistics and their impact on the development of the strategic potential of an enterprise in the light of findings from global research studies, as well as studies carried out at the Chair of Logistics and Marketing of the University of Opole.


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How to Cite

Matwiejczuk, R. . (2019). Managerial Aspects of Logistics as Determinants of the Development of Enterprise Strategie Potential. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (175), 105–114.


