Technophobia as Organizational Pathology in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution


  • Michał Młody Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu



technophobia, organizational pathology, 4.0 industry, the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Organizational pathologies are amongst key issues raised when considering the impact of intra-organ- isational conditions on corporate performance. Researchers are interested mainly in behaviours and mechanisms that are dysfunctional, ineffective, destructive, or destabilising and exhibit sufficient in- tensity to be viewed as ”pathological”. In the age of the 4th industrial revolution, which gradually forces enterprises to use advanced machinery and technologies, as well as to integrate them with people into a cyber-physical reality, we can observe a number of internal phenomena that inhibit the transforma- tion. Such limitations may take the form of a lasting “fear” bearing features typical of organizational pathologies. Based on the analysis of results of desk studies, the paper attempts to conceptualise tech­nophobia by pointing to its multi-aspect complexity, as well as its meaning for strategic choices made by enterprises.


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How to Cite

Młody, M. . (2019). Technophobia as Organizational Pathology in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (175), 129–144.


