How Location of Organie Functions is Decided in the Structure of Multi-entity Organisation


  • Dariusz Sobotkiewicz Uniwersytet Zielonogórski



organic functions, superior unit, subordinated unit


The goal of the paper is to find out about the grounds for the selection of location options for organie functions within a multi-entity organisation. For this goal the following research questions have been formulated: (1) What location options do we have for organic functions in a multi-entity organisation? (2) What potential grounds can determine the choice of a particular option? (3) What factual grounds determined the choice of location options for functions in multi-entity organisations covered by the analysis? The paper is based on desk studies (scientific literature and organisation documents in ex- amined companies) and primary sources (interviews with top managers). Interviews were conducted with managers of four superior units over the period 2011-2018. They boiled down to the monitoring of changes in organic functions. Conducted studies have shown that superior units were selecting di- verse location options for functions either simultaneously or consecutively. The choice of a particular option was dictated by concrete criteria. Results of studies discussed in the paper can be used by other multi-entity organisations to re-design the existing organisational solutions with respect to functions and processes. It is a theoretical and research paper.


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How to Cite

Sobotkiewicz, D. . (2019). How Location of Organie Functions is Decided in the Structure of Multi-entity Organisation. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (175), 187–200.


