Awareness of the green bond market on Polish corporate bonds
Investments related to sustainable development are usually of a long-term nature. Providing adequate capital is necessary to be able to implement them. One of the interesting financial instruments capable of meeting these expectations are the so-called Green bonds. The first green bond was called a “climate bond” and was issued by the European Investment Bank (EIB) in 2007. From that moment on, the market began to develop, and Poland has made a significant contribution to the development of the green bond market, as it became the first country to issue green government bonds in December 2016. The aim of the article is to examine the awareness and plans for green bonds among bond issuers who introduced traditional corporate bonds to trading on the Catalyst market. This goal will be achieved through a survey of bond issuers listed on the Catalyst market. The analysis showed that issuers are increasingly confronted with the issue of ESG and want to implement its assumptions into their development strategy, and in addition, most of the respondents will want to issue green bonds in the future, what can popularize this financial instrument.
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