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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article was prepared using the article template:
    - Template of the article in Polish
    - Template of the article in English
  • The manuscript contains obligatory statements by the authors in a separate document/ text file (Author Contributions; Conflict of Interest) and further statements depending on the content (Funding; Ethics Statement; Research Data Availability Statement).
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editors).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format and consists of up to a max 40 000 characters – about 6 000 words (calculated with spaces and all items of the text including all notes, references, abstract, keywords, tables, figures, etc.).
  • A separate file provides contact details for the author(s) (name and surname, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail address, and ORCID identifier).
  • The article contains the title of the paper, abstract, 5-7 keywords and 3-5 kodów JEL JEL Classification codes.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.
  • Figures and tables are included in the main text of the article and also in a separate editable file.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (the APA style for endnotes and references).
  • References include all works that are cited in the article, including URL addresses.

Submission Procedure:

The authors should submit manuscripts of the papers to the journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” through our Open Journal Systems website (https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KSzPP).

Prior to publication, all papers undergo double-blind peer review (see: Review and Acceptance Procedures). The papers are published in Open Access under CC BY 4.0 licenses (authors retain the copyright).

Processing and publication in the quarterly journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” are free of charge. Fees or Article Processing Charges (APCs) are not requested from the authors at any point of the peer review and publication (no submission fees, publication fees, and other fees related to the processing of the manuscript).

The journal accepts only original submissions that have not been previously published and which have not been submitted before to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editors). The editors of the quarterly accept scientific articles, original research papers, systematic reviews, brief research reports, case studies, conceptual analyses, policy and practice reviews, policy briefs as well as book reviews, information on conferences, symposia, and scientific seminars.

Contributions to the journal shall be submitted in Polish or English language. The full papers should be submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format and consist of up to a max of 40 000 characters – about 6 000 words (calculated with spaces and all items of the text, including all notes, references, abstract, keywords, tables, figures, etc.). The text should be single-spaced; use a 12-point font; employ italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.


Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts:

1. In a separate document/text file:

  • Author(s) contact details (name and surname, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail address, and ORCID identifier).
  • Title of the paper.

2. Article text - anonymized: without the name of the author(s), without metadata allowing to identify the author(s):

  • Title of the paper.
  • Abstract: max 1500 characters – about 200 words.
  • 5-7 keywords.
  • JEL Classification Codes: 3-5 codes; codes are available here.
  • Main text and subtitles.
  • Conclusion.
  • Supplementary Material (additional information).
  • Acknowledgments (additional information).
  • In-text citations/notes and references in the APA style. The journal does not use footnotes and endnotes.

3. In a separate document/text file (all statements in one file):

  • Author Contributions (mandatory for all articles, including articles by sole authors).
  • Conflict of Interest (mandatory for all articles).
  • Funding (mandatory for articles with external financing).
  • Ethics Statement (mandatory for articles with studies involving human participants).
  • Research Data Availability Statement (mandatory for articles based on datasets).

We require the use of an article template:
- Template of the article in Polish
- Template of the article in English

Please use the impersonal form (e.g., “test results are presented”) or tertiary pronouns and forms (e.g., “the author has presented”) throughout the manuscript. The text should adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (the APA style for in-text citations/notes and references). Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references should be provided. Please ensure to include in references all works that are cited in the article. We strongly suggest using the reference management software to cite all sources correctly according to the rules of the APA style (e.g., Citavi, EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks, or Zotero).

For texts in English: If you are an author whose native language is not English—or you have any concerns regarding the language quality of your manuscript—we recommend having your manuscript professionally edited by a qualified English-speaking researcher in your field prior to submission. “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” recommends contacting author services providers such as LetPub, Edanz, Editage, and Enago. Please note that the use of the recommended language editing services for your manuscript does not indicate the acceptance of your manuscript for publication in “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” and these services are operated independently of the journal.


Standards for Accepting Manuscripts:

The final decision on accepting the manuscripts of the papers for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly after reading the content of reviews. This decision results from the adopted assumptions concerning the shape and scientific profile of the quarterly, its publication capabilities, publishing ethics, and legal regulations, including those concerning copyright protection and other provisions of general law.

In the case of receipt of positive reviews and a decision on consent to publish the paper in the quarterly, the author(s) of the article are obliged to provide and sign the completed Copyright/Authorship Statement (example in PDF format - w języku polskim / in English​) that will be issued by the Editorial Office.

The Editorial Board of the Journal Reserve the Right:

- To make editorial changes to the content of texts sent for publication, provided that they do not affect their scientific understanding and are agreed with the author(s) (in particular, this applies to the right to change the titles, create abbreviations, and adjectives).

- To reject or return an article to the author(s) when the scope of the required stylistic and grammatical corrections exceeds the standard of correction.

- Not to publish graphical displays and material which cannot be printed in good quality (materials copied from other publications will not be accepted).


Additional Information:

- Statue of the Quarterly

- Publishing Ethics

- Review and Acceptance Procedures

- Open Access Policy

- Indexing and Archiving

- Privacy Statement


The APA Style of Referencing for SGH Publishing House (Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH)

Introductory Guidelines for the Authors:

References in the APA style:

- Are referred to as the so-called alphabetical references or ‘author-date’ references to literature.

- They refer to a given source directly in the body of the text, without giving its full bibliographic description at the bottom of the page.

- Full and detailed bibliographic descriptions of the sources are placed in the reference list at the end of the paper.

- References are placed immediately after the citation or any other place requiring sources to be indicated in the form of a shortened bibliographic information contained in parentheses and including the following: the last name of the author (or co-authors) or abbreviation of the source title (in the case of collective works without the editor), year of publishing or/and the page number(s) the author is referring to, for example:

Despite the government's optimism, it seems that support for government reform is systematically decreasing (Kowalski, 1999).

- The method of entering bibliographic data in the reference depends on the context: if it is clear from the sentence/paragraph after which the reference should be placed whose work is being referred to (and the author’s name appears in the text), it is sufficient to limit the reference to the year of publication and/or page number, for example:

According to Becker (1990), in economic theory, rationality is important for the entire market, not for individual households. The Winston model (1990) also does not explain when and why short-term preferences appear.


Referencing Guide:

1. The reference should contain the following information:
(author’s last name, year of publication: page number/numbers).

2. Authors of the publication – the following situations may be observed:

- If a given publication has two authors, both names are provided, combined with the conjunction 'and,' for example:

(Kowalski and Nowak, 1994)

- The same rule applies in the case of three authors, where the conjunction 'and' is stated before the last name, for example:

(Malinowski, Kowalski, and Nowak, 1971)

- If there are more than three authors, only the last name of the first author is stated, followed by the abbreviation 'et al.'

(Smith et al., 2003)

- If several sources used in the paper have authors with the same last name and the same year of publication, then they are distinguished by placing the initials of the authors' first names, for example:

(Nowak A., 2003; Nowak W., 2003)

- When we refer to multiple publications by the same author released in the same year, the works are allocated a lowercase letter after the year (without spaces), for example:

(Nowak, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c).

This allocation is also done in the references after the main text.

- If a direct quote is made from another author's work, it should be clearly marked with quotation marks, in which case one should also indicate the page number from which the quoted text comes, for example:

(...) even very impulsive buyers do not buy "on every whim" (Rook and Fisher, 1995: 306)

- The page number can also be indicated if no direct quote is made, but the original author's thought is paraphrased; however, it is not necessary.

- If the author of the paper refers to a source that they have not read, but which was cited in another publication which the author has read, then the reference contains only the author whose publication was accessed, not the original author. One should present this fact as follows:

According to Shapiro (quoted in: Bellenger, Robertson and Hirschman, 1978: 15) "there is no such thing as a group of impulsive products, because virtually each and every thing may at some point become the subject of impulsive purchase for a specific consumer."

- For several publications cited together (in one bracket), the rule of chronological order applies, for example:

(Nowak, 1973; Malinowski, 1980; Kowalski, 1999).

However, when there is a need to refer to a source by several authors from different years, in order to avoid repeating the same last name in the parentheses, the works are stated chronologically within individual authors, for example:

(Nowak, 1973, 1992, 2001; Kowalski, 1978, 1999; Malinowski, 1980)

- If we refer to studies and reports prepared by organizations, institutions, etc. which do not have authors (or editors), then the names of these organizations are given instead of the author, for example:

(Central Statistical Office, 2009) or (CSO, 2009)

3. Punctuation - the following rules of punctuation should be applied:

- References to the publications are placed in parentheses, for example:


- We put a comma after the name, for example:

(Kowalski, 1984)

- After a year, and before the page number of the referenced document, we put a colon, for example:

(Malinowski, 1973: 56)

- Bibliographic data of several publications discussed at once are separated by semicolons, for example:

(Malinowski, 1983; Kowalski, 1984)


References/Bibliography in the APA Style

- Book

Last name, X., Last name, X.Y. (year). Book's title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Institution abbreviation (full name of the institution). (year). Book’s title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Kowalski, A., Nowak, B.C. (2017). Rules for correct citation. Warsaw: SGH Publishing House.

OWES (Ośrodki Wsparcia Ekonomii Społecznej) (2020). Przedsiębiorstwa społeczne a kryzys wywołany epidemią wirusa SARS-CoV-2 – badania ogólnopolskie. Poznań: Ośrodki Wsparcia Ekonomii Społecznej.

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2009). Improving social inclusion at the local level through the social economy: Report for Poland. Paris: OECD Publishing.

- Edited volume/book

Last name, X. (ed.). (year). Book's title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Kowalski, A. (ed.). (2017). Rules for correct citation. Warsaw: SGH Publishing House.

Kowalski, A., Nowak, B.C. (eds.) (2018). Rules for correct citation. Warsaw: Random Publisher.

- Chapter in an edited volume/book

Last name, X. (year). Chapter title. In: Book title (pp. the beginning page - the final page), Y. Last name, Z. Last name (ed.). Place of publication: Publisher.

Nowak, G. (2017). How to make footnotes. In: Principles of correct citation (28-39), A. Kowalski (ed.). Warsaw: SGH Publishing House.

- Article published in a serial publication (journal)

- in which each consecutive issue of the same year has a separate page numbering (in each issue the first page is numbered 1):

Last name1, X., Last name2, X.Y., Last name3, Z. (year). Title of the article, Title of the Journal, number of the volume(number of the issue): the beginning page - the final page.

Kowalski, A., Nowak, B.C., Różański, Z. (2017). Bibliografia bez tajemnic, Czasopismo Miłośników Poprawnej Polszczyzny, 26(15): 26-42.

- in which each consecutive issue of the same year does not have a separate page numbering (the first page of the next issue is numbered as the next page after the last page from the previous issue):

Last name1, X., Last name2, X.Y., Last name3, Z. (year). Title of the article, Title of the Journal, number of the issue: the beginning page - the final page.

Kowalski, A., Nowak, B.C., Różański, Z. (2017). Bibliografia bez tajemnic, Czasopismo Miłośników Poprawnej Polszczyzny, no. 58: 18-35.

- with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, please enter it at the end of the bibliographic entry:

Last name1, X., Last name2, X.Y. (year). Title of the article, Title of the Journal, number of the volume(number of the issue): the beginning page - the final page. DOI: xxxxxxxx.

Kowalski, A., Nowak, B.C., (2017). Bibliografia bez tajemnic, Czasopismo Miłośników Poprawnej Polszczyzny, 26(15): 18-35. DOI: 10.1000/182.

- with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number and when article numbering applies instead of page numbering:

Last name1, X., Last name2, X.Y., Last name3, Z. (year). Title of the article, Title of the Journal, number of the volume(number of the issue): article number. DOI: xxxxxxxx.

Kowalski, A., Różański, Z. (2021). Nowoczesna numeracja artykułów, Czasopismo Miłośników Poprawnej Polszczyzny, 27(16): article e257868. DOI: 10.1000/e257868.

- Legal acts, bills, regulations

Act/bill/regulation of dd.mm.year regarding the document title, country, identification numbers, if any.

Act of 27 April 2006 on social cooperatives, Journal of Laws of 2006, No. 94, item 651, Poland.

Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994, New Zealand.

- Internet sources

Last name, X. (year). Text title, website address (accessed: DD.MM.YYYY).

Institution abbreviation (full name of the institution). (year). Text title, website address (accessed: DD.MM.YYYY).

Nowak, A. (2020). Poprawna polszczyzna, http://poprawnapolszczyzna.com (accessed: 31.01.2020).

EC (European Commission) (2021). Working Groups of the EEA strategic framework, https://education.ec.europa.eu/about-eea/working-groups (accessed: 20.04.2021).

Please provide the full link to the source, not just the general website address.


For more reference examples, please check:
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).