The January and December Effect in Companies Listed at Warsaw Stock Exchange




financial market efficiency, December effect, January effect, calendar anomalies


The paper examines the January and December effects of increases and drops in stock prices of companies listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange assuming that the date of the first listing is earlier than 01.01.2000. The criterion was met by 91 companies. To validate statistical hypotheses the following statistics were used: t, Mann-Whitney (U test), and Kruskal-Wallace’s statistics. Zero hypothesis was rejected more often for small caps and mid caps than for large-cap companies. In companies covered by the analysis the January effect was observed more often than the December effect which concurs with views presented in global literature. The paper belongs to research devoted to calendar anomalies in financial markets, in particular to the so called January effect or December effect.


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How to Cite

Borowski, K. (2019). The January and December Effect in Companies Listed at Warsaw Stock Exchange. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (172), 23–29.


