Creativeness. Major Trends and Research Problems




creativeness, innovativeness, management, creativeness management, creation


The spread of execution capabilities and shorter life cycle of products and technologies gave rise to a rapid growth in interest in innovations. The generation of new ideas in an increasingly fierce competitive fight became a strategic weapon, whose success depends on the creativeness of the initiators. The article is aimed at setting directions of research on creativeness in management sciences. As a research method, the article uses the Polish and world literature review. Summing up the results of research, it may be said that creativeness is an ability characterized by limitations as well as the lack of obstacles in its development. In further research on creativeness there are more questions than answers. Organisations do not only face the challenge of launching, maintenance and development of creativeness of people and teams. The necessity for creativeness management acquires a strategic significance. However, primarily the implementation of breakthrough ideas, in the light of empirical research, constitutes the greatest barrier to innovativeness.


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How to Cite

Sołoducho-Pelc, L. (2019). Creativeness. Major Trends and Research Problems. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (162), 25–37.


