Klasyczne modele twórczości organizacyjnej. Implikacje dla tworzenia i przechwytywania wartości





organisational creation, value creation, value appropriation


The task of modern strategic management is to search for the sources of value creation. They are seen in the dynamic skills, a unique business model, innovations, organisation strategic potential or organisational entrepreneurship. In this article, an assumption is made that organisational creation is the primary source of value creation, providing a basis of remaining processes, mechanisms and results. Hence, the article focuses on four classical models illustrating the way in which creation may be animated and developed in organisations in order to create value: a component model of organisational creation, workplace environment perception model, interactionist model and individual creative activity model. This article is a result of the research project entitled “Creation and appropriation of value in entrepreneurial organisations” financed by NCN (grant no. 2015/17/B/HS4/00935).


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How to Cite

Bratnicka-Myśliwiec, K., Dyduch, W., & Bratnicki, M. (2019). Klasyczne modele twórczości organizacyjnej. Implikacje dla tworzenia i przechwytywania wartości. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (161), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.161.2


