Start-up Investing Platforms in Eastern Poland: TechnoparkBiznesHub Platform Organiser and Participants Perspective
business acceleration, incubation of start-ups, Start-up Platforms, support to entrepreneurshipAbstract
As a new development scheme for innovative start-ups offering incubation and financial grants to young innovative start-ups, Start-up Platforms are one of the key instruments designed to support Eastern Poland in the EU financial perspective 2014-2020. Successful implementation of the scheme may significantly accelerate the growth of lagging behind regions of eastern part of the country. The just completed pilot stage is an opportunity to sum up, draw conclusions and make recommendations before the proper stage of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland Measure 1.1 Start-up Platforms for new ideas is put in place. The paper gives the perspective of programme participants, including the analysis of an interview with the Board of REVAS Co. Ltd., as an exemple of a beneficiary of the programme as well as the perspective of the Rzeszow Regional Development Agency S.A., Partner to the TechnoparkBiznesHub Start-up Platform.
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