Green BPM as a concept of meeting the ESG requirements in the financial and insurance sector


  • Renata Brajer-Marczak Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
  • Tomasz Bartosz Kalinowski Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Agnieszka Bitkowska Politechnika Warszawska


Green BPM, sustainable process management, ESG, digital carbon footprint


Green Business Process Management (Green BPM) takes into account environmental aspects and includes identifying, modeling, analyzing, simulating, executing business processes with special attention to environmental consequences at each stage of the enterprise value chain. This approach allows an organization to contribute to the sustainability challenges of its processes. It also requires redefining and redesigning business processes, taking into account pro-environmental aspects, as well as support from managers and executives. The purpose of the paper is to find an answer to the research problem posed: In what activities is the introduction of the Green BPM concept manifested, and how does this relate to the need for ESG reporting in the financial and insurance sector? The article increases the knowledge of the mechanisms and conditions for the introduction of Green BPM in the financial and insurance sector using a selected case study as an example. It discusses the relationship between Green BPM and ESG reporting, contributes to knowledge development by analyzing and synthesizing the literature on Green BPM linking Green BPM and ESG issues, pointing out the direction of possible future empirical research focusing on the topic of digital footprint in Green BPM activities.


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How to Cite

Brajer-Marczak, R., Kalinowski, T. B., & Bitkowska, A. (2024). Green BPM as a concept of meeting the ESG requirements in the financial and insurance sector. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (196), 69–80. Retrieved from


