Perception of corporate treasury departments and corporate treasurers in Polish enterprises based on empirical studies


  • Elwira Ziółkowska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



corporate treasury department, corporate treasurer, treasury, liquidity, corporate finance.


The author describes and explains the role of corporate treasury departments in day-to-day corporate finance management. A corporate treasury department is a relatively new component of corporate organisational structures, still rather little known in Poland. The paper aim is to familiarise readers with the subject of treasury, starting from the role played by corporate treasurers and the position of a corporate treasury department in corporate organisational structure through responsibilities of a corporate treasurer up to the presentation of results of studies on the perception of corporate treasury departments and corporate treasurers. The obtained results indicate the lack of uniformity in job descriptions of corporate treasurers and in names given to corporate treasury departments.


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How to Cite

Ziółkowska, E. (2019). Perception of corporate treasury departments and corporate treasurers in Polish enterprises based on empirical studies. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (169), 19–30.


