The Identification of the Areas of the Customer Value Co-Creation Process in the context of B2C from the Customer Perspective




customer, enterprise, corporate market offer, customer value, customer value co-creation, B2B relationship, B2C relationship, crowd-based approach, crowd non-based approach


The study is aimed at the identification of the areas of the customer value co-creation process in the context of B2C from the customer perspective. The first section of the study characterises the concept of customer value co-creation. The second section presents the result of empirical research conducted in customer teams on the selected markets: clothes and footwear, consumer durables, fitness services and mobile services. The presentation of results is limited down to the selected areas of customer value co-creation resources involved in this process by customers, corporate communication channels, risk related to the participation in the customer value co-creation as well as determinants of market offer selection of the examined markets. The method of explorative factor analysis was used to identify the basic areas of the customer value co-creation process.


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How to Cite

Bartkowiak, P. (2019). The Identification of the Areas of the Customer Value Co-Creation Process in the context of B2C from the Customer Perspective. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (161), 147–161.


