Strategie Openness of Enterprises and IT Management Support Systems


  • Adam Weinert Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu



strategic openness, open strategy, IT systems and tools, strategy support, strategizing


The paper is devoted to contemporary challenges in the field of strategie management, in particular, to critical approach to the achieving of competitive advantage based on key resources. It embraces the issue of strategic openness of enterprises, which has been attracting increasingly more interest of re- searchers, in particular in foreign literature. The concept of the Open Strategy (OS) has been devel- oped with the largest and modern corporations in mind, which is why it has already loudly resonated in business practice. The implementation of the assumptions of the OS concept forces out multilateral use of IT systems and tools implemented within them that build up social engagement by fostering the relationships of not only owners and managers but also other stakeholder relations. The goal of the paper is to discuss the assumptions of the Open Strategy concept, review IT systems that can pro- vide support in its implementation, and identify how individual tools can help in developing strategic openness also in Polish enterprises.


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How to Cite

Weinert, A. . (2019). Strategie Openness of Enterprises and IT Management Support Systems. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (175), 213–228.


