The editors accept the submitted papers if they are consistent with both the profile of the journal as well as the requirements set out in the Information for Authors. The authors of the papers must also follow the guidelines specified in the Code of Publishing Ethics in the quarterly “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies.”

The editorial team requires that the articles be developed on the appropriate level in terms of readability, accompanied by abstracts and keywords.

Only original articles are accepted, i.e., papers not submitted or not published in a scientific publication.

The author of the paper is obliged to sign an appropriate statement on the originality of the work. 

External review is prepared by two reviewers in the double-blind peer review process, i.e., after the information about the author’s identity has been removed. The review form is applied.

If the content of the manuscript allows for the identification of the author, the reviewer signs a declaration of no conflict of interest or resigns from preparing a review. Such a conflict is considered to occur between the reviewer and the author in the case of direct personal relations, professional subordination, or direct professional or scientific cooperation in the last two years preceding the year of the manuscript preparation.

The author receives the reviews for consultation (yet without knowing the identity of the reviewers). They are obliged to respond to the comments presented.

At the end of each year, the journal publishes a list of scientific reviewers cooperating with the Editorial Board. The names of the reviewers of individual articles are not disclosed.


Templates of Relevant Documents:

“Article review form” in the quarterly “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies”:

- In PDF format (w języku polskim / in English)

- In DOCX format (w języku polskim / in English)

The same form is used when conducting reviews in the OJS system.

“Copyright/Authorship Statement” - issued for the author(s) by the Editorial Office:

- Example in PDF format (w języku polskim / in English​)


Standards for Accepting Manuscripts:

The final decision on accepting the manuscripts of the papers for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly after reading the reviews’ content. This decision results from the adopted assumptions concerning the shape and scientific profile of the journal, its publication capabilities, publishing ethics, and legal regulations, including those concerning copyright protection and other provisions of general law.

The Editorial Board reserve the right to desk rejection of an article, i.e., resign from sending it to external reviews. This may take place, especially if the text:
1. Does not fall within the boundaries of the problems inherent in the discipline of public policy (this does not refer to interdisciplinary texts, which we encourage).
2. Lacks readability in its argumentation (e.g., internal consistency in moving on to subsequent threads).
3. Does not contain a clarified theoretical framework that defines reasoning, conceptual preferences, theoretical reference points, and lacks a clearly stated research question, thesis/hypothesis.
4. Contains an excess of statements that are not supported by adequate data or that do not come from the area of objectified knowledge (surveys, multivariate analysis).

In the case of receipt of positive reviews and a decision on consent to publish the paper in the quarterly, the author(s) of the article are obliged to provide and sign the completed Copyright/Authorship Statement (example in PDF format - w języku polskim / in English) that will be issued by the Editorial Office.


The Editorial Board of the Journal Reserve the Right:

- To make editorial changes to the content of texts sent for publication, provided that they do not affect their scientific understanding and are agreed with the author(s) (in particular, this applies to the right to change the titles, create abbreviations, and adjectives).

- To reject or return an article to the author(s) when the scope of the required stylistic and grammatical corrections exceeds the standard of correction.

- Not to publish graphical displays and material which cannot be printed in good quality (materials copied from other publications will not be accepted).


Publication Workflow:

We follow the basic guidelines of the OJS editorial and publishing process. The Editorial Office reserves the right to conduct some stages and to communicate with the authors by e-mail.


Additional Information:

- Submissions/Author Guidelines

- Statue of the Quarterly

- Publishing Ethics

- Open Access Policy

- Indexing and Archiving

- Privacy Statement