HR Business Partner and Restrictions of Staff Empowerment


  • Sławomir Winch Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



HR Business Partner, empowerment restrictions, hybrid enterprise.


The paper focuses on the analysis of the role of HR Business Partner from the perspective of the rationing (restriction) of employees’ empowerment based on the economic and ideological calculation. The latter constitutes a threat to HR practice and limits the possibilities of creating a hybrid enterprise that would rely on the development of employee competences. The results of qualitative and quantitative research were used to illustrate the proposed theses. The aim of the article is to highlight some consequences of restricting employees’ empowerment in Polish enterprises.


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How to Cite

Winch, S. . (2022). HR Business Partner and Restrictions of Staff Empowerment. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (183), 87–98.


