Creativity and creative cooperation in the tourism sector




creativity, creative cooperation, experience economy, experience tourism


An important feature of the rapidly growing tourism sector is creativity and creative cooperation in creating unique experiences, in order to meet still growing expectations of more and more conscious tourists. The creativity component can significantly increase the value of the tourist offer, which in turn may become a strategic tool for managing destinations and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. On this point, the concept of the experience economy is getting importance and increasing interest of both Polish and foreign researchers. At the same time, its adaptation into the tourism sector represents the concept of the experience tourism. The study focuses on creative initiatives – including creative cooperation – undertaken in the tourism sector. The aim of the article is to exemplify creative activities related to the development of the experience economy in the tourism sector, as well as to present their benefits. Findings were formulated on the basis of individual in-depth interviews, conducted among tourism entrepreneurs in various regions of Poland.


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How to Cite

Wójcik, D., & Czernek, K. (2019). Creativity and creative cooperation in the tourism sector. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (161), 187–197.


