Contribution of Science to the Development and Evolution of Project Management Offices


  • Paweł Wyrozębski Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów


PMO, project management office, project management, project organisation


In the 1990 s the concept of project organisation evolved towards project management offices, which began to appear within the organisation structures of a growing number of organisations. At that time, most studies on PMOs came from the environment of consultants and business experts. The PMO-related problems were not systematically researched and developed on the basis of proven and broadly recognised scientific knowledge. The criticism of the work done by consultants and practitioners promoting the PMO implementation in organisations was voiced by a team headed by B. Hobbs and M. Aubrey. The article presents their scientific path of cognition of the PMO phenomenon. Their example presents a real value and contribution of science to the development the practical area of project management. It may also inspire to deliberations on the relation of individual and scientific cognition in management sciences.


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How to Cite

Wyrozębski, P. (2023). Contribution of Science to the Development and Evolution of Project Management Offices. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (159), 59–75. Retrieved from


