Challenges faced by project management offices (PMOs) in organizations using the agile approach to project management


  • Paweł Wyrozębski Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Aleksandra Łyszkowicz Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



project management, agile project management, agility, project management office


The aim of the study is empirical recognition of the functioning of project management offices (PMOs) in organizations using the agile approach project management. In some project management circles, there is a belief that PMOs typically formed in ‘traditional’ (command and control) organizations are not compatible with the so-called agile mindset. However, examples of business leaders show that, after adapting to new conditions, PMOs maintain their function and even become a pivot for a new, more flexible system of organization and management. In this area there is a knowledge gap which has not been addressed sufficiently either in the subject literature or in popular sources so far, according to the authors. The study adopted a research strategy based on the method of structured interviews through which material describing a total of 6 cases was gathered. Subsequently, this material underwent analysis. As a result, it was not possible to demonstrate significant differences in the functioning of the project office between agile and traditional environments. The respondents also did not perceive any threats to the PMO’s operation in a less formalized agile environment.


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2023-12-06 — Updated on 2024-03-20


How to Cite

Wyrozębski, P. ., & Łyszkowicz, A. . (2024). Challenges faced by project management offices (PMOs) in organizations using the agile approach to project management. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (193), 49–74. (Original work published December 6, 2023)


