Lean startup concept as an answer to the challenges of a creative strategy





strategic management, creative strategy, startups, lean startup, business strategies


Lean startup concept is a relatively new approach that addresses the theoretical gap in the field of methods and tools that can be used in planning and evaluating startups’ performance. Since it deals with operating in an uncertain environment and focuses on building value through innovation, the idea may be an inspiring subject of studies on new directions in thinking about corporate strategies, in particular in the context of a creative strategy. The paper sketches the profiles of both concepts followed by a critical analysis of the potential of lean startup concept as a way of implementing creative strategies. Based on our findings we may conclude that lean startup proposes a series of valuable practices, which may successfully be applied by businesses whose activities are based on creative strategy.


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Źródła internetowe
1. https://sjp.pwn.pl/sjp/strategia;2576315



How to Cite

Tomaszewski, A. (2019). Lean startup concept as an answer to the challenges of a creative strategy. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (170), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.170.2


