Agricultural markets in war conditions

Anna Budzyńska (1), Stanisław Kowalczyk (2)
(1) Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland,
(2) SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland


Wars have always influenced the organization of states, economic and social processes, and the fate of ordinary people. However, even the world wars of the 20th century were primarily territorial in their consequences. The contemporary globalized world proves that the Lorenz butterfly effect is increasingly compatible with the complexity of our civilization. This also applies to agricultural markets and the concept of food security. The aim of the article is to show how armed conflicts affect global agricultural markets, and through this also the level of food security of states and the whole world. The research used price dynamics indexes for six products, i.e. wheat, maize, rapeseed, soybeans, butter and sugar, as well as two synthetic measures, i.e. the FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) and the Global Food Security Index (GFSI).

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Anna Budzyńska
Stanisław Kowalczyk
Budzyńska, A., & Kowalczyk, S. (2024). Agricultural markets in war conditions. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 73(3), 5–22. (Original work published September 30, 2024)

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