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The article presents the theoretical analyses and empirical research concerning the relationship between employees’ beliefs with reference to the human nature and expressed as “the concepts of human nature”, and the dimensions of moral competence. The results obtained allow to state that the individuals who employ the concept of human nature described as “social” or “humanist” while performing the processes of evaluation, present a more highly intensified moral competence than the people who employ the model of man as an “economic” or “imperfect” being. The article also presents the implications of the obtained results for the processes of human resources management.


evaluation processes human nature concepts moral competence social attitudes

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How to Cite
Turek, D., & Wojtczuk-Turek , A. (2011). Concepts of Human Nature” Versus Moral Competence – Analysis of Relationships. Education of Economists and Managers, 21(3), 83–104.


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